Thursday, September 22, 2011

Knowledge and Skills

Knowledge and Skills

Knowledge and skills
what we do during our lifetime is acquire knowledge and skills and use knowledge and skills
to help humanity achieve any objective and every person knowingly or unknowingly does that
This module is to create awareness of the process
Gathering knowledge and skills starts as soon as we are born we use all our
5 senses to gather knowledge and as we grow older we learn skills
Knowledge is gained by using five senses what we see ,hear ,taste ,smell or touch
and skills are gained by combination of mental and motor skills eg : playing a piano
or using a computer or painting or communications skills.
Through out our life time we gather skill and use skill and this is what makes
us more or less valuable to human society
We see in our society that every individual is valuable to their family ,to the
surroundings and to their church or meeting group but what we are counting here
is becoming valuable in terms of what they can contribute to human society
and in plain monetary terms how much a person is paid is decided by the
level of knowledge and skills a person and acquired and how effectively they are
able to use it
Therefore to become financially successful and valuable we must acquire the
best knowledge and skills we can gather and find ways to effectively apply those skills
and help a large number of people .
The large number of people brings us to over next topic the math equation of income