Sunday, January 6, 2013

Names can add value

 The million project will be with your help and support and the first thing we can do together is start writing
our names and that will add value to the project meaning how many people have viewed this project and are involved

Even if you don't plan on writing anything please add your name and city and country name and that would be good information collected  I would write my visitor number also
01 jay  in Argyle USA that would give idea about my location and the next person can put the notes and whatever you want to say about and want to share about the idea and put your name
first name city and country and your ideas and that way we all know when we reach the 1 million mark

The basic idea is to create understanding about life at a very basic level and you please fill in with your ideas

1 Life is finite
2 Every one born is going to die
3 Human life does not have a purpose (based on species theory where other species don't have
    purpose and human is a species so should not have a purpose ) but as humans we create our own
    purpose ----please put your views here with your basic info
4 we acquire knowledge and skills during our stay on the planet and contribute to human society
   with our knowledge and skills
5 our influence in the world is based on our ability to acquire and use knowledge and skills
6 we must create leadership in terms of  product or service to contribute to human society
   ---- put your notes here what would you like to do and how would you like to contribute
7 Happiness is the most widely accepted purpose of human life and we get that by living in the moment
8 There are a lot of other things which will be put forward here and we will  pass along to all people who
    want to read and contribute and the eventual outcome we are looking for is to create a happy planet
   where people are not stressed and much calm know the purpose so cheat less or are less greedy etc
    and develop qualities which help make the happy rather than running for things they would like to
    have, the things they might not need and are collecting to impress the people they might not like.

 9 Increasing critical thinking among people and creating a focus on small things and small joys in life instead
     of collecting a lot of unwanted material and increasing focus on the fact that life is all about living and not
    just breathing and not also collecting all exotic things in your home but rather enjoying all we have and be
    ready to enjoy all we are going to get _____expand here what you like and your views which are very important to this program
 Thank you for reading today and please add value with your ideas and your name remember you may add any name and just first name and city and country so that your information is private and not identifiable
or just leave your visitor number with city and country without your name but please please participate
and contribute to the world

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